Hello Ana, I am using the API based on your useful Article put here. Sure, you can use cell values in your request by wrapping the references in +++ on each side. Could you please tell what can I do with it? Wenn du die Kontrolle ber deine Krypto-Investitionen verlierst, kannst du einen unerwarteten Verlust erleiden oder den besten Zeitpunkt fr den Verkauf deiner Kryptowhrungen verpassen. This is the system I would have built if I had to build a . Sorry you're frustrated, but part 1 shows how to get your API key, and is clearly titled "Get your CoinMarketCap API Key". Not a lot of people know that CoinMarketCap also offers a crypto portfolio tracking feature. Import all transactions of a Binance Smart Chain address This function will import instantly all transaction of a Binance Smart Chain address into your CoinTracking account and will also add all future transactions of this address. as well as CMC have APIs. In the parameters section, select auxiliary fields to retrieve. first goes with error : 1) AT2: Completed with errors - We received an error from coinmarketcap.com (400) show response {"status":{"timestamp":"2022-05-30T12:16:01.801Z","error_code":400,"error_message":"\"date\" is required","elapsed":0,"credit_count":0}}. English. Auf der Desktop-Seite von CoinMarketCap kannst du mehrere Portfolios erstellen (bald auch mobil!). Do you think it's spacing? Anyway, you need to click the "Get Your API Key Now" button at https://coinmarketcap.com/api/. Is there a way to specify exactly which token I desire? You need to find a solution because we can't use anymore this google sheet. I will need your help on another one though, it's the last thing missing to completely set up my excel. Subscribe now to get daily news and market updates right to your inbox, along with our millions of other subscribers (thats right, millions love us!) The Third-Party Sites are not under the control of CoinMarketCap, and CoinMarketCap is not responsible for the content of any Third-Party Site, including without limitation any link contained in a Third-Party Site, or any changes or updates to a Third-Party Site. The CoinMarketCap Portfolio lets you store all of the information about your crypto holdings in one place. For support please visit the Terramatris website: Custom Google Spreadsheet Development for Crypto Currency Portfolio Tracking. Do you have a suggestion? CoinMarketCap (Free + Mobile app) CoinMarketCap is a popular crypto market analyzer, and you might have used it once in your journey. Part 1: Pull Data from Coinbase into Sheets Part 2: Create a Custom Request Part 3: Get Private Coinbase Account Data Part 4: API Documentation Before You Begin Click here to install the API Connector add-on from the Google Marketplace. I am having trouble with part 5 (to get more than just the top 100). hi. by Perkuuns When will CoinMarketCap portfolio feature not suck anymore? You probably know that we not only provide our Portfolio feature, but also another feature called Watchlist. Auerdem werden dir die 24-Stunden-Vernderung und die 24-Stunden-Vernderung in % angezeigt. Can you please confirm that this is the URL producing the error? Thanks Ana for your quick response. CoinMarketCap created the Portfolio tool that allows you to input your crypto investment records, similar to providing you a nice bookkeeping tool to keep all your investments in one place but better, as we use only CMC data and methodology to help you analyze your investment value, profit and loss! Hey John, you can use the /v2/cryptocurrency/quotes/latest endpoint. Die Daten werden ber die verschiedenen Plattformen hinweg vollstndig synchronisiert. It also shows you the 24h change and 24h change %. Scoopnest. (only 1 row, all tickers & their values displayed horizontally in many many columns) How do I fix this? We don't have a button, but you can refresh your requests through a checkbox if you run your requests through the IMPORTAPI function: https://mixedanalytics.com/knowledge-base/importapi-custom-sheets-function/. Die Mglichkeit, Notizen hinzuzufgen, ist ein wunderbares Tool. Thank you, Sure, you could use an endpoint like this: https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/tools/price-conversion?amount=1&symbol=BTC&convert=USD. Like e.g. Hi! By clicking on the coin name, it would bring you to our coin detail page where you could take a good look at the coin details, or by clicking on the other data items also brings you to the transaction detail page. Follow. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner. Jan. Hey there, great article, very helpful thanks a lot ! Get Cryptosheets for Googlesheets *Note: you must have one of the supported versions of Microsoft Office or Excel for custom functions to work. celer network. Join the thousands already learning crypto! If you have some crypto investments, you probably bought them from a few sources: perhaps you bought BTC from Coinbase, bought BNB from Binance, and then maybe bought many other coins or tokens from different exchanges. Du kannst deine Watchlist sogar ffentlich machen und sie mit deinen Freunden teilen. I see info for, say, Enjin Coin with a URL like https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/quotes/latest?symbol=ENJ. Hey Daniel, I'm glad this works for you. You can also check the summary stats of your investment from the Statistics tab. I'm trying to load all of the metadata for all of the coins and im having problems with setting correct request. If you also want to check out the composition of your investments across different coins, check the Allocation tab on this summary section. 7 8 8 comments sorted by Best Add a Comment CoreyVidal 2 yr. ago Also wondering this. Jetzt setzt sich mein Guthaben aus 79,24%, Du kannst so viele Vermgenswerte "beobachten", wie du willst, ohne einen dieser tatschlich zu kaufen. URL: http://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/listings/latest?limit=1000&aux=num_market_pairs%2Cdate_added Server: nginx_dispatcher_rl_0ec5dc4fac2d464d6 Date: 2022/08/13 18:30:45 Powered by Tenginetengine. All of a sudden 1 coin came up with a wrong / duplicate symbol, hence pulling in the wrong price. thanks! Let me know if that answers your question, if not, feel free to message back with more detail about what you're looking for. ber die Registerkarte "berweisung" kannst du auch eine Transaktion der Art "eingehende berweisung" eingeben; das sind Geldbetrge, die du zum Beispiel als Geschenk von einem Freund oder deiner Familie, als Gehalt von deinem Chef oder aus anderen Grnden erhalten hast. For example, https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/quotes/latest?id=1&aux=max_supply would send a response without data tags. 1) active cryptocurrencies: Completed with errors - We received an error from coinmarketcap.com (504) show response 504 Gateway Time-out 504 Gateway Time-out Sorry for the inconvenience. Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront) Request ID: xj3pJgljwmuhrszJ0ZsVg2TKhAxpxxWta_QwcaQCAa06i_rfpGEF4A==. Excel Import CoinMarketCap API Data with Query SyntaxByte 8.59K subscribers Subscribe 62K views 2 years ago Import CoinmarketCap API cryptocurrency prices in Excel using a Web Query and. In Sheets, open API Connector and create a new request (. The brand new "Introduction to Geopolitics" reading provides a structure for thinking about a wide range of geopolitical issues and assessing their risks. Therefore, a good tool to help you tidy up this mess is very important. Once you navigate to the portfolio page, you will see a box with your portfolios in it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Mixed Analytics, LLC | All Rights Reserved | 651 N Broad St, Suite 206, Middletown, DE 19709, USA, Import ActiveCampaign Data to Google Sheets, Import Alpha Vantage Data to Google Sheets, Import API-Football Data to Google Sheets, Import CJ Affiliate (Commission Junction) Data to Google Sheets, Import CoachAccountable Data to Google Sheets, Import CoinMarketCap Data to Google Sheets, Import Constant Contact Data to Google Sheets, Import CryptoCompare Data to Google Sheets, Import Facebook Page Data to Google Sheets, Import Financial Modeling Prep Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Ads Keyword Planner Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Analytics (GA4) Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Analytics (UA) Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Analytics Management Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Calendar Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Classroom Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Cloud Vision API Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Drive Data to Google Sheets, Import Google PageSpeed Insights Data to Google Sheets, Import Google Search Console Data to Sheets, Import LinkedIn Ads Data to Google Sheets, Import LinkedIn Pages Data to Google Sheets, Import MetalpriceAPI Data to Google Sheets, Import Movie Database (TMDb) Data to Google Sheets, Import Nasdaq Data Link Data to Google Sheets, Import Netflix Data from RapidAPI to Google Sheets, Import OpenAI (ChatGPT) Data to Google Sheets, Import OpenWeatherMap Data to Google Sheets, Import Pinterest Ads Data to Google Sheets, Import Positionstack Data to Google Sheets, Import Product Hunt Data to Google Sheets, Import Salesforce Data into Google Sheets, Import Shopify GraphQL Data to Google Sheets, Import SurveyMonkey Data to Google Sheets, Import Visual Website Optimizer (VWO) Data to Google Sheets, Import Weatherstack Data to Google Sheets, Import YouTube Analytics Data to Google Sheets, Import YouTube Public Data to Google Sheets, Scrape Google Maps Places into Google Sheets (Outscraper), Construct a CRM Dashboard in Google Sheets, Convert Latitude-Longitude Data to Addresses in Google Sheets, Facebook Marketing API Request URL Builder, Get Product Cost From Shopify API in Google Sheets, Part 2: Pull Data from CoinMarketCap into Sheets, Appendix: CoinMarketCap Crypto Portfolio Template, https://coinmarketcap.com/api/documentation/v1/, https://coinmarketcap.com/api/documentation/v1/#operation/getV1CryptocurrencyInfo, https://exceljet.net/excel-functions/excel-vlookup-function, https://mixedanalytics.com/knowledge-base/api-connector-scheduling/, https://mixedanalytics.com/knowledge-base/importapi-custom-sheets-function/, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSOvzpKY_Zbq5vpzFgAXZAnktchaBTJj6_1LWiLbos7jQnJuEmvWfDvYkvafiLTb4OXhjvpn5D_xYIL/pubhtml#, https://coinmarketcap.com/api/documentation/v1/#operation/getV1CryptocurrencyListingsLatest, https://mixedanalytics.com/knowledge-base/api-connector-create-api-request-based-on-cell/, https://coinmarketcap.com/api/documentation/v1/#operation/getV1ExchangeQuotesLatest, https://coinmarketcap.com/api/documentation/v1/#operation/getV1CryptocurrencyQuotesHistorical, https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/documentation?key=Historical&cat=dataHistominute, https://coinmarketcap.com/api/documentation/v1/#operation/getV2CryptocurrencyInfo.